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What is Plagiarism Checker and how to use it?

Member Admin

What is a Plagiarism Checker? Why is it important?

A plagiarism checker is a tool that can be used to check for plagiarism in a piece of writing. Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving them credit. Plagiarism can be intentional or accidental. Intentional plagiarism is when someone deliberately uses another person's work without giving them credit. Accidental plagiarism is when someone unintentionally uses another person's work without giving them credit. Plagiarism is considered to be a form of cheating. It is important to use a plagiarism checker to avoid plagiarism.

Several file types are supported.
This software is designed to examine the majority of major file formats, including Microsoft Word Documents (Docx, Doc), Rtf, Pdf, and plain text, and it is compatible with Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, and Vista.

There are seven different languages to choose from.
Language obstacles will no longer exist for international customers: Our content similarity detector is now available in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, and Portuguese. More languages will be introduced in the near future.

It is used in over 80 countries.
People from over 80 different countries utilise our software. Our customers come from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Indonesia, Germany, India, Malaysia, Egypt, and other countries.


Best Tools links are:

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Administrator
Topic starter Posted : 23/09/2022 7:46 am