
What exactly is HTM...
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What exactly is HTML?

Member Admin

You are now familiar with the fascinating world of the internet. It provides a massive database of information on practically every topic and service. The World Wide Web (WWW) is the most important aspect of the Internet. It is a fascinating collection of information, photos, movies, sounds, and much more, all of which are accessible to every user on his computer. On the internet, there are millions of websites that are kept on thousands of web servers and connected computers. You are aware that every website is made up of several web pages, which are documents kept on computers in the same way that you keep a Word or Excel document on your disc. The sole distinction between online documents and other types of documents is that web documents are produced in a unique language known as Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). Everything on a web page is coded in this language, which is processed by web browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator to put the page into its real form for display on your monitor screen.

What exactly is HTML?

Before you begin studying and developing HTML codes, you must first understand what HTML is, what it can and cannot accomplish.

HTML is a language for page layout and hyperlink definition.

This language is used to provide hyperlinks that open other online pages and to determine the layout of a web document.

An HTML document instructs the browser software on how to display the contents of a hypertext document, which contains text, graphics, audio, and other similar elements.

It also describes how to use special hyperlinks to make a document interactive.

HTML's constraint

Although HTML is a sophisticated language with multimidia and page layout tools, it does have certain restrictions.

To begin with, it is neither a word processor or a programming language.

As a result, although having all the characteristics of a page-layout language, it should not be utilised as Desktop Publishing software.

It should only be used to create web pages that will be used on the internet as part of a website.

Topic starter Posted : 23/09/2022 6:52 am